2013년 8월 23일 금요일

is it better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice.

while we are living our life we have meet a lot of conflict, such as home work, what college we should go, what do we have to eat, form broad question to very little thing. However, I strongly believe that people should and need to solve their problem by them self with their own knowledge and experience.

We can find a lot of example like this in the real life around. For example, in Australia, there’s one guy who are traveling from Sydney to other place and to go to that other area he have to across the desert for an like 2 days, he have enough food, water and a lot of equipment that help him so his plan is looking very forward. But unluckily he could not predict the weather. he meet strong snow and his auto mobile flip and stuck his leg just like in movie "172 hours" and guess what he have no way out unless he cut his leg. He has to survive his own. And here is the where we know answer for this question. He has to survive by his own knowledge, experience. He use mobile's engine to warm him up and use plastic bags to get water from the fog, and exactly 2 weeks later he was rescued by other tourist who was traveling. 
Know what you expect to get help from other or do it by our own. Or there’s another example such as college which is very close relate to our life, especially when I am a junior. People around me are most wonderful people I know and they have very strong opinion that can help me. However, I do not listen to that concern advice at all. Because this is my life and in my life I believe that I am the one who is choosing. Oh and do u guy know that someone can’t choose for you?? So I have believe that we have should have better to use our knowledge, there’s always a mistake and nothing seems accurate in our brain but however if we made a choice by our self it's good that we will not blame  the others, and someone who said advice is better to use they should know inside use of experience is more precious.
 Let’s go little more deeply into our life think about our parents, why do they want us to go outside, why do they let us go study to other country even if that cost huge amount of money, why do they always take our computer, phone, or other electric devices?? I would answer that they want us to have more experience while you are in home what you will know is how to play R.P.G game and drinking portion, but if you are outside theirs any way that u can learn such as how to not get bitten by ants and how to react when bee try to stunk you or how to react against stranger, of course it must be much more dangerous than staying inside the home but once
they done it they probably not forget, its same with why people usually forget what parents say to them. Did u guys ever seen that children never listen to parent like when parents say don’t touch the cookie and if that happen they would not do that is unless they get in big trouble. I’m not asking people to choose this but think deeply what can actually help when trouble has come. YOU WILL BELIEVE IN YOU OR PEOPLE!

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