2013년 10월 6일 일요일

beauty what everybody want

What is the real beauty?....
Thiers no actual meaning of beauty I my opinion every body is beautiful in the world except some kind of people like murder, or really ugly people. People who have good smile, looks great and people who have good smile make other people feel great, when other people feel great, they think that people who smile are pretty. These days, a lot of pen even men, do a lot of kind of makeup, earring, and nail arts. I am not criticizing them, but they don’t know realy meaning of beauty. People who are good smile, looks pretty even if they’re ugly, what can add to this beauty is having a good personality. A lot of people think tha theyre pretty with makeup, I don’t believe so because people have their own attractiveness, heart on their face, or body, or inside the clothes, jokes ! However, how can people see their attractive points with their faces covered with a bunch of chemicals that make them “prettier.” Even if they look like crap without makeup, one person in the world will still find her beautiful. Imagine six billion people, who live in the world all hate he because she is ugly  is impossible. The attractive points only They used to spend lavishly on their faces and bodies even during the nation-wide business failure. They spend one hundred and fifty six million pounds a year is a small sum.It is said that the european womenmay not be spending as much money on "beautification" as do the American women. However they are spending much on beauty than they used to spend in the past. Fashionable women try to appear more attractive and less virtuous than their grandmother. The value have changed the ladies belonging to upper class use highly expensive cosmetics. They used imported lipsticks, creamsand and faces powder. But real beauty is the outcome of spiritual nobility. The inner beauty and goodness of a woman are reflected on her outer face. A beautiful woman must be attractive from outside as well as inside. If a woman is empty spiritualy , she cannot make herself impresseive by her decorated face. A woman can look attractive if she is beautiful outwardly and inwardly. She must get rid of human vices and evils. She must be good at heart and kind to others. She must be free from greed , jealousy and ill will. Health is anotherfactor which make a woman beautiful. A healthy woman is sure to look attractive. Social justice is another factor which makes people live in harmony with one another. An unjust and badly organized society only gives ugliness to its people. The human race cannot be made beautiful by improving skin, food and cheapening health motors and electric hair removers. All men and women will be beautiful only when the social arrangements give a chance to live completely and harmoniously.

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