2013년 8월 8일 목요일

my 3 new year's resolutions

When the New Year starts, people make their own resolution lists- not for others, but for ourselves. Basically my resolution lists are first, keep up with my grade, second, do not and try not to piss off my auntie or parent, and third, get nice abdominal muscle with a tanned body. 
         I’m not someone who cares about my grade but these days I feel pressure on it. I am a junior now but until now I didn’t feel any pressure about going to college. Therefore, my grade was tend to be really low, for example in 8th, 9th, 10th grade’s grade point average was like 2.9~3.4 and then suddenly something happen to me that our family’s economic situation went bad, and it make me realize that I really have to go college. However as I tried so hard to get good grades in the fourth quarter of my sophomore year, it gave me the great grade point average of 3.68. It was my first time that I get over 3.4 in 4 years after I came to Saipan. I really do not want to let my grade go down for my parents and my auntie song and mostly for me, my future.         In my life the hardest home work must be do not pissing
off Auntie Song and my parents, the reason why I don’t want to piss them off is very simple because they are the one who raise me until here. As I get older and as I make them mad more often, it gives me the feeling that I’m piling up sins. They’re the ones who raised me – I should respect them.  If I disrespect them and make them mad often, then I am disrespecting them and all that they have done for me.  I want to treat them well, because they have done so much for me. As much as I want to get better in school and get better grades, I also want to work harder on my home-life homework and make Auntie Song and my parents happy and proud.
         My last resolution is getting in shape, fit, and healthy. I also want to have extremely dark and tanned skin (like amber “in Saipan”) (Amber who is my sister like woman) and why I want it because it’s cool for me. Especially abdominal muscle is like god for me; my dream body is dark brown body with abbs. Look at this picture
This body is what I want!! To get body like this I have to change my eating habit (vegetable rather than meat) and I will have consistent time for gym and I believe that to get this body I have to do exercise every day.         After I done this and while I’m trying so hard I can guarantee that I will be a better person. Firstly if I done my first resolution I will have higher chance to get in good college, have higher chance to increase my self and be proud of myself. Second if I done my 2nd resolution I will have healthier mental and happier life. Lastly if I go through that process I will have nice body and healthier life and can have self confidence. I strongly believe that New Year’s resolution is our self caring schedule to be a batter person and these three resolutions will make me a batter person.

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