2013년 8월 29일 목요일

7 sins

Does everybody know what are the seven sins are?? Those are Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that thinks evil thoughts, feet that are quick to run when they have done wrong, a witness who tells lies, and a person who stirs up trouble amongst people. Even me I am a also human, I also have one of those. And the biggest problem, what is a lying tongue. Lying is the biggest problem for every single one in this world every single one of them had laid and since it’s a really big problem there’s also a lot and lots of criminals who lie to take money, lie to get away from the problem

but not only for criminal but in our real life we can find out these kind of examples; students lie to teachers to get away from trouble, teacher lie to parents to make kids in trouble if they hate that kids and when he like them he try to cover up them and lie to president, children lie to their parents to get away from trouble, and our father lie to our mother to have a good family relationship. However the worst one is lying to myself. Lying to myself that i feel comfortable. I think it’s really bad. For the first one however u will get caught b teacher so it fine to lie and second it’s about teachers problem so if they lie they will get in trouble so I don’t care ( it’s not my problem , why because it’s not me who getting punishment.) Third our parents know we are lying or not so don’t even think about lying it to them. next, father lies to mom you/me/ god/jesus/buddah  even they and we can’t do anything about it, if u want to be your dad alive
more longer with u, and I can tell you u don’t want to lose your father, as your father being weird more theirs less more focus to you and which make you out of box and gives the taste of liberty.
             But however last one there’s no way to get excuse on this one, one famous Chinese philosophies said that when you want to be a people first learn to love people around you and learn to love yourself which is completely touching my heart, until like 1 years ago I thought learn to love yourself mean like love yourself so if you were tired just make me rest for a while and it always used for making a excuse, but however as soon as my houses economy is getting worse I learn truly what they mean. I live my life opposite, I be harsh to people who I don’t like and I was lying to myself to make me comfortable, and fixing of that bad habit is giving me a nasty time, like write know even if I write my blog I am fight with myself that ahh should I do tomorrow?? And no I should do it know because its already one day late.
   However its still fixing but it get way better and I’m really thankful that i'm not lying it to myself. 

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